Wednesday, March 23, 2011

POLO Magazine - Autumn 2011 Fashion Shoot

Ok ok I had to do the fashion shoot for this issue due to budget constraints :) nice...I must say I'm more of a portrait photographer, but took on the challenge... why not? Ok, I freaked out totally because it was 45degrees on Diemersfontein and one of my lights fused even before the first shot! So feel free to criticize...
The whole theme was about colours vs emotions, so that made it quite tricky... 5 locations in 4 hours! ;) but hope you like it in anyway!
What I learnt: 1: When doing a fashion shoot minimize the locations. 2: Stay calm 3: know how to work your lights at any time...

Great have a good one :)

POLO magazine Autumn edition 2011

Pierre Cronje is an upper income household name. His furniture graces the homes of some of the most influential people in business and politics, and they are investment pieces that can be passed down from generation to generation. I was surprised to meet him and he had such a down-to earth manner. His wife, Frances, impeccably stylish and so warm..just like their furniture, I suppose...:)
He firmly believes that art is not perfection. When taking his portrait I was very aware of his view of what is art...I love it... it is an organic process... just natural light waiting for the right moment.. no posing- he hates that :)

Some clients want perfection, but art cannot be perfect and perfection isn't art - between the two there is a place of natural beauty that I seek. - Pierre Cronje